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Nestled in one of the world’s most restive regions is Jordan. Frequently billed as a safe haven for travelers in the Middle East, Jordan has grappled with the challenges of war refugees and globalization to effectively preserve old ways of life and keep pristine ancient heritage. While Petra is indubitably the jewel in Jordan’s crown of antiquities, the country’s many Roman amphitheatres and old bazaars are equally awe-inspiring.
All Cities in Jordan
- Ajloun
- Al Azraq ash Shamālī
- Al Hayy
- Al Jubayhah
- Al Kafrayn Balqa
- Al Mafraq
- Al Mukhaybah
- Al Qastal
- Al Quwayrah
- Al Salt
- Amman
- Aqaba
- Ar Rumman
- Ash Shūnah ash Shamālīyah
- At-Tafilah
- Ath Thughrah
- Awjan ash Shamali
- Ayn Amun
- Az Zarqa
- Aţ Ţayyibah
- Burma
- Dana
- Irbid
- Jerash
- Kerak
- Khirbat Abu al Khass
- Madaba
- Mahis
- Petra
- Qasr Al-Kharanah
- Qulay'at
- Sowayma
- Tab Kira'
- Tabaqat Fahl
- Umm Nuwarah
- Umm Qays
- Umm al ‘Amad
- Wadi Musa
- Wadi Rum
- Zubiya
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